Health and the work environment

Throughout Stockholm County Healthcare Services, all workplaces must be characterised by an open climate, work to promote health, active leadership, equality and diversity.

With this in mind, we want to ensure the following:

  • All our employees shall feel that they are seen, heard, respected and involved
  • Our managers and leaders shall make it possible for us to create a sustainable working life by means of a long-sighted approach to the work environment
  • Participation and collaboration shall be a matter of course

Health-promoting workplaces

As part of our activities, we want to shift the focus onto efforts that promote health. This involves identifying and offering positive conditions by, for example:

  • creating participation and transparency by means of clear objectives, procedures and roles
  • creating opportunities for business development and skills development, and by trying out new work duties
  • respecting and utilising each other’s different qualities – thinking as a team
  • regularly giving and receiving feedback
  • taking responsibility for our own health and lifestyle, and setting boundaries in everyday life
  • providing and encouraging healthy activities, and making it easier to make healthy choices


We also work actively with rehabilitation. Our objective is that any employee whose ability to work has been reduced (due to injury or illness), will be able to return to work as soon as possible following a good process of rehabilitation.